The text book fundamentals to aerospace engineering is expected to come up before the end of the year.

The book covers an introductory course on aerospace engineering. This course aims to combine theory and practice to provide a comprehensive introduction to the fascinating, but also complex, discipline of aerospace engineering. In particular, general aspects as the rational and efficient use of resources, air safety, quality and environmental impact of aerospace activity will be analyzed.

The course is divided into four basic blocks, namely: General introduction, The Airplane, Airports and Air Transportion, Air Navigation. Throughout these blocks the student must achieve to understand the basics of atmospheric flights (ISA and planetary references), the technology that apply to the aerospace sector, in particular with a specific camprehension of the elements of an aircraft, including aircraft aerodynamics, aircraft structures, aircraft propulsion, systems and airplane equipment, atmospheric flight mechanics, stability and control, the airports and the global air transport system (covering botht regulatory and economical frameworks), the global air navigation system (its history, current status, and future development).

The course is complemented by a practical approach. Students should be able to apply theoretical knowledge to solve practical cases using acedemic (but also industrial) software, such as MATLAB (MATLAB info). The course also includes a series of assignments to be completed individually or in groups. These tasks comprise an oral presentation, technical reports, scientific papers, problems, etc. The course is supplemented by scientific and industrial seminars, recommended readings, and a visit to an institution or industry related to the study and of interest to the students.

Table of Contents

I.- Introduction
Topic 1. “The scope”
Topic 2. “Generalities”

II.- The Aircraft
Topic 3. “Aerodynamics”
Topic 4. “Propulsion”
Topic 5  “Aircraft instruments and systems”
Topic 6 “Aerospace structures”
Topic 7. “Flight Mechanics”

III.- Airports and Air Transportation
Topic 8. “Airports”
Topic 9. “Air Transportation”

IV. Air Navigation
Topic 10. “Air Navigation”