As part of my scientific activities, I conduct several outreach activities, mainly targeting primary and secondary schools, combining arts and science. I participate in the European Researchers Night, Science Week, Visits to Schools, and Science Forum for schools, among others. I’m also active in recording videos targetting the general public.


Researchers Night
2023- Teatro y ciencia:  Teatro y ciencia: los retos de una Europa verde
Espectáculo teatral con charlas y encuentro con investigadores/as. Manuel Soler Arnedo


2021- Zénit: ciencia verde para un mundo más sostenible (Espectáculo teatral con charlas y demostraciones de investigadores) Manuel Soler Arnedo


Education Week – Science Fair

Activities in Schools

Entrevista Proyecto Alarm CadenaSer Link to news
START project video with Manuel Soler Link to video
ALARM project video with Manuel Soler Link to video
FMP-Met project video with Manuel Soler Link to video
Interview about FlyATM4E in Airspace World with Manuel Soler Link to video
Desarrollan un prototipo de alerta de fenómenos naturales peligrosos para la aviación. Artículo en Fundación Madr+d. – Manuel Soler Link to video
Article «El Mundo»: “La caja negra del vuelo de Malaysia Airlines se encontrará”– Manuel Soler Link to video