Group’s Description
Member of The Aerospace Engineering Group is a research group in the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. It was created in 2010, to satisfy the teaching requirements associated to the Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering.
The Aero Group research activities are organized into four areas:
- Computational Fluid Mechanics Lab. O. Flores and M. García-Villalba
- Plasma and Space Propulsion team (EPs). E. Ahedo, M. Merino, and P. Fajardo
- Experimental Aerodynamics and Propulsion Lab. S. Discetti and A.Ianiro
- Dynamics and Control in Aerospace Systems. G. Sánchez, M. Sanjurjo, and M. Soler
Dynamics and Control in Aerospace Systems
This team is dedicated to the study of the dynamics and control of aircraft and spacecraft. It is part of the Aerospace Engineering Research Group and the Bioengineering and Aerospace Department. The activities of the team are organised along three research lines:
They involve several branches of engineering and physics like optimal control, trajectory optimisation, mission analysis, orbital mechanics, space tether dynamics, and nonlinear dynamics and bifurcation theory in dynamical systems. The team has a broad experience in projects funded by the Spanish Goverment and the European Commission and collaborate actively with world-leading institutions.
Air navigation and control
The Air Navigation and Control team is led by Manuel Soler. The focus is on conducting resaerch activities on optimal control and optimization with application to the Air Traffic Management system.
Research Team
- Manuel Soler (Associate Professor)
- Javier García-Heras Carretero (senior postdoctoral fellow)
- Daniel González-Arribas (junior postdoctoral fellow)
- Aniel Jardines (Ph. D. Student)
- Eduardo Andrés-Enderiz (Ph.D Student)
Research Activities